Norwegian version of this page

EMERALD researchers starring in documentary

A documentary on the Norwegian climate court case features multiple people from the EMERALD consortium.

Plant experiment in the field

Foto: Vigdis Vandvik/UiB 7. august 2019  

Her observeres planteegenskaper som senere kan tas inn i klimamodeller med tilsvarende lynghei

The TV documentary Norsk hodepine interviewed several EMERALD-affiliated ecologists and permafrost researchers.

Vigdis Vandvik is interviewed somewhere around 13 min.

Sebastian Westermann, Hanna Lee and Inge Althuizen are intereviewed somewhere around 29 min.

The documentary is available at NRK TV.


Published Sep. 23, 2021 2:14 PM - Last modified Sep. 23, 2021 2:14 PM