Modelling conference 14.-16. September 2021

The hybrid 6th Conference on Modelling Hydrology, Climate and Land Surface Processes was co-organised by EMERALD this time. Many researchers from the EMERALD community presented their work at the conference, both in person at Lillehammer hotel and remotely on Zoom.

Image may contain: Joint, Shoulder, Microphone, Curtain, Community.

Photo: Irene Brox Nilsen/NVE Conference hall at Lillehammer

Key numbers

This time, more than 70 participants were registered. The key numbers are 

  • 7 keynote lectures, thereof four from abroad

  • 22 oral presentations

  • 18 poster presentations

  • 40 attendeed in person and approximately 30 attended digitally on Zoom

  • 53 % of participants were women

  • 14 EMERALD researchers participated

Presentations are available here:


Oral presentations:

About the conference

The conference addressed topics related to modelling the climate system and the interface with the land surface processes and hydrological impacts of climate change. A special focus was given to terrestrial ecosystem-climate interactions and their representation in Earth System Models (ESMs).

With the conference series “Modeling Hydrology, Climate and Land Surface Processes”, the Norwegian Hydrology Council (NHR) wants to facilitate closer collaboration between hydrology, meteorology, and especially with a view to modeling land surface processes. The sixth conference in the series also invited ecology and soil science. It consisted of the following sessions:

Session 1: Terrestrial ecology with links to climate and the hydrological cycle
Session 2: Modelling soil water dynamics: from observations to prediction
Session 3: Improved knowledge-base for decision-making
Session 4: Integrating observations into earth system modelling, including non-conventional observations

Read more here:

Published Sep. 24, 2021 9:07 AM - Last modified Sep. 24, 2021 9:12 AM