The Finse International Snow Workshop

COOL models for a warm climate – operational snow models for the present and future climate. The first Finse International Snow Workshop will take place October 10-12, 2017.

Finse: ESCYMO-SNOWHOW WS 10-12 Oct 2017

Finse: ESCYMO-SNOWHOW WS Oct. 2017

Joint ESCYMO-SNOWHOW workshop 10-12 Oct 2017 at Finse!!!

Modeling snow cover dynamics over a variety of scales. The workshop will pay special attention to the climatic and topographic drivers of the spatial snow distribution, physically based snow modeling at the catchment scale and innovative, state of the art use of remotely sensed data in snow modeling. We invite snow scientists to join us at the “top” of Norway for inspiring talks and scenery. Be quick to sign up because the venue can only accommodate a limited number of participants (~40).

Location: The Finse Alpine Research Center, located in the northwestern part of the Hardangervidda mountain plateau, the highest point of the famous “Bergensbanen” between Oslo and Bergen.

See this flyer for more information about the workshop (pdf).

Registration before 1 Aug 2017

Published Jan. 6, 2021 2:37 PM - Last modified Jan. 6, 2021 2:37 PM