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Constraining climate sensitivity and near-term climate response (WP6 in the FORCeS-project)

'Constraining climate sensitivity and near-term climate response' is the name of a work package in the research project 'Constrained aerosol forcing for improved climate projections (FORCeS)' financed by EU through the Horizon 2020 research programme. The overall aim of FORCeS is to get further knowledge about how air pollution affects the climate.

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About the project

The research project 'Transient Climate Sensitivity and Response' is one of seven work packages and projects in the main FORCeS research project. In the WP project the participating researchers aims to identify and evaluate observable quantities that govern transient climate response (TCR), the standard measure of transient climate sensitivity (TCS) in earth system models. 

The research project is one work packages (WP6) of a total of nine work packages and affiliated projects to the main FORCeS-project consortium. The work package is lead by Trude Storelvmo, Dept of Geosciences, UiO and Thanos Nenes, FORTH.

Read more: WP6: Constraining climate sensitivity and near-term climate response.


FORCeS brings together 20 European research teams at the forefront of different facets of climate research. The project is transdisciplinary collaboration between experts on the process and climate scale. The ultimate aim of the FORCeS project is to understand and reduce the uncertainty in anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing.

The FORCeS research project is led by Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University. 

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The FORCeS consortium consist of 23 partners from 12 countries, and is led by Stockholm University. The University of Oslo is one of the partners in the consortium. For for an overview of partner institutions see this web site.

Tags: FORCeS. aerosols
Published Sep. 6, 2023 8:07 PM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2023 8:10 PM


Trude Storelvmo, Professor and CO-leader, WP6


Detailed list of participants