Event description


On May 31, 1970 the most catastrophic known avalanche in history descended from Nevados Huascaran, the highest peak in the Peruvian Andes. The avalanche caused about 18`000 casaulties. The avalanche was triggered at 3:23 PM by a great earthquake (M=7.7). The avalanche originated from a partially overhanging cliff at 5400-6500 m elevation, where the fractured granitic rock of the peak was covered by a 30-m-thick glacier. The avalanche had a volume of ~ 50-100 million cubic meters and traveled 16 km to Rio Santa with a vertical drop of 4 km.




The aluvion buried the city of Yungay. 18`000 people died.


Data source


- Lliboutry, L., Arnao, B. M., Pautre, A., Schneider, B. (1977): Glaciological problems set by the contol of dangerous lakes in Cordillera Blanca, Peru. I. Historical failures of morainic dams, their causes and prevention. Journal of Glaciology, 18 (79), 239 � 254.





Mapping after the 1970 event revealed deposits from a substantially larger pre-Columbian (before 1492) avalanche that might have attained average speeds of 315-355 km/hr.