Event description


The flood of 10 January 1934 had a peakdischarge of 3`200 m3/s and destroyed bridges and 12.6 km of railroad along R�o Mendoza. Inspection of the site showed that Glaciar del Nevado had advanced 900 m since its last inspection, 22 years before. It had produced a lake 3 km long, with a maximum depth of 75 m and a volume of 60 Mio m3. Clean white ice overthrusted the old moraine. The duration of the advance was unknown and controversial (Espiz�a, 1986).




The flood provoked several casualties and a great economic loss, including the destruction of a small village, a Hotel by the river and several km of railways and bridges in the main international route between Mendoza and Chile.


Data source


Leiva, J. C. (1999): Recent fluctuations of the Argentinian glaciers. Global and Planetary Change, 22, 169 � 177.




The return of the surge appeared to be about 50 years.