Event description


On 17 January 1945 the small town of Chavin de Huantar on the eastern side of Cordillera Blanca was destroyed by an aluvion coming from Quebrada Huachescsa down-valley of Huantsan. There were many dead (ca. 500) and invaluable archaeological material was lost. The aluvion could be triggered by a big rock-fall from Huantsan on the debris-covered glacier at its foot.




There were many dead (ca. 500) and invaluable archaeological material was lost.


Data source


Lliboutry, L., Arnao, B. M., Pautre, A., Schneider, B. (1977): Glaciological problems set by the contol of dangerous lakes in Cordillera Blanca, Peru. I. Historical failures of morainic dams, their causes and prevention. Journal of Glaciology, 18 (79), 239 � 254.

