Event description


Hubbard Glacier was advancing in 1986 when it closed the Russell Fiord on May 29. The total advance is estimated at 2 km. The surge had sometimes a flow rate of 36 m/d. The newly-formed Russell Lake began filling. On October 7, 1986 the ice dam failed. Russell Lake poured into Disenchantment Bay with a peak discharge of 108`000 m3/s and released a water volume of 380 Mio m3.




Erosion, vegetation was severly damaged. (Remote area without human structures.)


Data source


Mayo, L. R. (1987): Advance of Hubbard Glacier and Closure of Russell Fiord, Alaska � Environmental Effects and Hazards in the Yakutat Area. Geological Studies in Alaska by the U. S. Geological Survey during 1987, 3 - 16.

