Event description


The Medvezhiy Glacier surge began before June 21, 1988, but not earlier than August 1987. At the beginning the surge had an ice velocity of 1 m per day. The glacier velocity increased gradually from 1 to 3 m per day, to the end of May the velocity increased to 15 m day-l. From the middle of May to the beginning of July 1989 there was a period of rapid advance of the glacier terminus and the surge termination. On the 20 June the velocity peaked at 50 m day-l. After that the velocity decreased sharply to practically zero. The total advance of the glacier tongue was 1100 m, the maximum uplift in the lower part was 180 m, and the upper part of the tongue dropped by 50 m.





Data source


Osipova, G. B., Tsvetkov, D. G. (1991): Kinematics of the surface of a surging glacier (comparison of
the Medvezhiy and Variegated Glaciers).
IAHS Publ. 208, 345-357.

