Event description


After three days of very heavy rain, an enormous collapse involved the moraine of Southern Mulinet glacier. In the upper, small valley of Bramafam stream (2525 m) a great incision formed in the moraine, 450 m long, till 200 m wide and 40-50 m deep. A 200 m tract of the right morain collapsed too. The huge mass of debris, rocks and water (800.000 m3) propagated along Bramafam stream, and then along Gura stream, reaching the plain of Gias Gaby huts, flooding it. The debris flow severely damaged also the village of Forno Alpi Graie: Stura di Valgrande river changed its stream, streets and meadows were covered by debris till 4-5 m thick; road, aqueduct and sewages were swept away. The debris-flow stopped just below Forno Alpi Graie, 4.5 km far from its beginning.




The debris flow severely damaged also the village of Forno Alpi Graie: Stura di Valgrande river changed its stream, streets and meadows were covered by debris till 4-5 m thick; road, aqueduct and sewages were swept away; the ground floor of houses was invaded by water and debris.


Data source


IAHS (ICSI) � UNEP � UNESCO (1998): Fluctuations of glaciers 1990�1995, Vol. VII (Haeberli, W., Hoelzle, M., Suter, S., Frauenfelder, R.). World Glacier Monitoring Service, University of Zurich, Z�rich.

