Event description


On December 13, 1941, the moraine damming the Lake Palca broke and the subsequent flood triggered the outburst of another lake further down (Jircacocha). The flood proceeded down the Cohup valley. The volume released reached 4 Mio m3. The city of Huaraz was affected, 6000 people died.




6000 people died, the new part of the city was destroyed


Data source


Lliboutry, L., Arnao, B. M., Pautre, A., Schneider, B. (1977): Glaciological problems set by the contol of dangerous lakes in Cordillera Blanca, Peru. I. Historical failures of morainic dams, their causes and prevention. Journal of Glaciology, 18 (79), 239 � 254.




After this disaster the Comision de Control de Lagunas de la Cordillera Blanca was set up, which began to lower the level and strengthen the outlets of the most dangerous lakes.