Event description


This j�kulhlaup originated from the marginal ice-dammed lake Gr�nal�n, situated west of Skeidar�j�kull. J�kulhlaups from lake Gr�nal�n flow beside and beneath the western margin of the glacier, a distance of ca. 18 km to the outwash plain of Skeidar�sandur. 26 july the j�kulhlaup flowed over fertile land, the next day icebergs reached Skeidar�rsandur, 28 july the telephoneline was swept away and on 29 july all area between rivers S�la and Blautakv�sl was covered with water. On August 1 the j�kulhlaup had diminshed.




26 july the j�kulhlaup flowed over fertile land, the next day icebergs reached Skeidar�rsandur, 28 july the telephoneline was swept away and on 29 july all area between rivers S�la and Blautakv�sl was covered with water.


Data source



