Relevant litterature for the Gardnos structure

Broch, O.A. (1945) Gardnosbreksjen i Hallingdal. Norsk geologisk tidsskrift 25, 16-25.

Dons, J.A. and Naterstad, J. (1992) The Gardnos impact structure, Norway. Meteoritics 27, 215.

French, B.M., Koeberl, C., Gilmour, I., Shirley, S.B., Dons J.A. and Naterstad, J. (1997) The Gardnos impact structure, Norway: Petrology and geochemistry of target rocks and impactites. Geochimica et Cosmochimca Acta 61, 873-904.

Gilmour, I., French, B.M., Franchi, I.A., Abbott, J.I., Hough, R.M., Newton, J. and Koeberl, C. (2003) Geochemistry of carbonaceous impactites from the Gardnos impact structure, Norway. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67, 3889-3903.

Goderis, S., Kalleson, E., Tagle, R., Dypvik, H., Schmitt R.-T., Erzinger, J., and Claeys, Ph. (2009) A non-magmatic iron projectile for the Gardnos impact event. Chemical Geology 258, 145-156.

Grier, J.A., Swindle, T.S., Kring, D.A. and Melosh, H.J. (1999) 40Ar/39Ar Dating of samples from the Gardnos impact structure: Norway. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 34, 803-808.

Kalleson, E., Corfu, F. and Dypvik, H. (2009) U-Pb systematics of zircon and titanite from the Gardnos impact structure, Norway: evidence for impact at 546 Ma? Geochimica et Geochimica Acta 73, 3077-3092.

Kalleson, E., Dypvik, H., and Naterstad, J. (2008) Post-impact sediments in the Gardnos impact structure, Norway, in Evans, K., Horton Jr., J.W., King Jr. D.T., and Morrow, J.R. (eds.) The Sedimentary Record of Meterorite Impacts, Geological Society of America Special Paper 437, 19-41.

Kalleson, E., Dypvik, H., and Nilsen, O. (2010) Melt-bearing impactites (suevite and impact melt rock) within the Gardnos structure, Norway. Meteoritics and planetary Science 45, 798-827.

Published May 11, 2010 1:48 PM - Last modified Feb. 10, 2011 8:57 PM