We are hiring! Vacant positions in the GLACMASS-project

There are now vacant three positions in a new research project in the field of Cryosphere: Global glacier modelling/Machine learning, and Glacier mass-change reconstruction using data assimilation. The positions are at Department of Geosciences and are part of the EU ERC Advanced Grant funded project GLACMASS.

The University of Oslo is a leading European university and Norway's oldest. The photo is of Domus Academica in the hearth of Oslo City. Photo: GK/GEO

The University of Oslo is a leading European university and Norway's oldest. The photo is of Domus Academica in the hearth of Oslo City. Photo: GK/GEO

In one of the new research projects at the Department of Geosciences, three positions have now been announced in the recently funded EU-funded project: "Past and Future High-resolution Global Glacier Mass Changes (GLACMASS)".

The project starts in October, and the application deadline for the positions is 25 July, 2023. 

Read more about the vacancies here: 

Read more about the CLACMASS-project here:  

About GLACMASS in English: 

Short introduction to GLACMASS in Norwegian: 

Published July 6, 2023 4:10 PM - Last modified July 6, 2023 6:12 PM