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UiO – Hive (eInfrastructure) (completed)

The UiO – Hive project, is an eInfrastructure initiative to establish a hub and nurture the collaboration across departments at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo, for projects integrating technological development and Natural Sciences.

About the project

The Hive- hub provides a platform for students and researchers to communicate, and share resources to design and build instruments, as well as all back-end software to support data from Internet of Things (IoT) structures. The project will enable the use of IoT technology to build cutom-made and robust tools for natural scientists, as well as providing a set of new challenges to existing technology deployed in high latitude and cold environments.

Not only designing technology, Hive will prove them useful in real challenging conditions in terms of weather and remoteness in Finse and other places with extreme weather and light condition like Svalbard.


The primary goal of the Hive is to enable students, researchers, and engineers to meet and communicate across disciplines and departments in order to innovate and built new tools for studying the environment. The focus on IoT technology, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and new sensor design are of high priority. Through Hive and its associated research projects, technologies will be tested in real harsh conditions, and deployed for research purposes in hydrology, glaciology, and ecology.

Lastly, the objective of this initiative is to develop competencies in building research tools that are suited to work in the field, and that scientist reappropriate the design of their tool for doing research in Natural Sciences.

We will organize a series of workshop to gather researchers across campus, as well as workshops to invite students to learn about the possibility in using new technologies to explore the environment.


The UiO Hive follows an initiative of the LATICE project to invest and explore the use of WSN for geosciences, as well as the development of innovative sensors for snowpack dynamic. Following this dynamic and the competencies gathered, we though relevant to reach across departments as at UiO there already exists leading-edge research in all of these fields.


The project is financed by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UiO and the Department of Geosciences. Funding will support work hours for workshop organization, technological development, as well as support to purchase innovation equipment.

The project is funded for the year 2018 and 2019.


The Hive-project is in close collaboration with the LATICE and ESCYMO research projects, both projects at Department of Geosciences. It uses the Finse Research Station area as a test site for the new technology. The data collected are used for research and educational purposes.


The Hive initiative use the Github platform as main collaboration tool.

Visit our collaborative platform here:

Published Aug. 23, 2018 11:14 AM - Last modified June 15, 2024 10:14 PM