Visiting researchers

The project 'Advancing frequency analysis of nonstationary hydrological extremes for reducing flood risk in a changing climate' is an international research collaboration and there are now and then visiting researchers and project participants within hydrological extremes and flood risk to the project task force.

The latest years there have been visiting sholars and researchers to the project from Chinese goverment authorities within hydro- and water resources management, and/or Chinese research institutions and universities.

Current visiting researchers

Dr. Lingqi Li

Portrait: Lingqi Li. Photo: Private
Dr. Lingqi Li.

Dr. Lingqi Li is a visiting researcher for 12 months at the at Dept. of Geosciences, UiO, since September 2023. Li is participating as guest researcher in the project: Advancing frequency analysis of nonstationary hydrological extremes for reducing flood risk in a changing climate.

Li's main affiliation is The Yellow River Conservancy Commission (YRCC), China.

Office: Room 217A, The Geology Building, Blindern

Dr. Minglong Dai 

Portrait Dr. Minglong Dai. Photo: private
Dr. Minglong Dai 

Dr. Minglong Dai is a visiting researcher for 6 months at the at Dept. of Geosciences, UiO, since September 2023. Day is participating as guest researcher in the project: Advancing frequency analysis of nonstationary hydrological extremes for reducing flood risk in a changing climate.

Dai's main affiliation is The Changjiang (Yangtze River) Water Resources Commission (CWRC), China.

Office: Room 217A, The Geology Building, Blindern

Bin Xiong

Portrait Bin Xiong. Photo: Private
Bin Xiong

Bin Xiong is a visiting researcher at the at Dept. of Geosciences, UiO, since January 2023. Xiong is participating as guest researcher in the project: Advancing frequency analysis of nonstationary hydrological extremes for reducing flood risk in a changing climate.

Xiong's main affiliation is the Nanchang University - School of Infrastructure Engineering, China and the Wuhan University, China.

Office: Room 330, The Geology Building, Blindern

Previous visiting researchers 



Published Feb. 1, 2024 12:43 PM - Last modified Feb. 1, 2024 1:08 PM