
News and 'In media' articles is not exhaustive and postings are mostly Norwegian.

Published Nov. 19, 2019 4:43 PM

In the news: In early November we could read an article about iceflow in the Artic published on the news section for the ESA webpages. It describes the research carried out in the ICEFLOW project with Bas Altena and Andreas Max Kääb, Dept. of Geosciences. 

Published Dec. 19, 2018 9:28 AM

The American Geophysical Union has had recently its fall meeting, 10-14. December in Washington DC. Researcher in geomatics and remote sensing, Bas Altena was here presenting his research on circulation patterns of icebergs in an icy fjord of Greenland. This is the first presentation of ongoing research conducted in the project ICEFLOW.