Combined effect of multiple organic stressors from jellyfish blooms and aquaculture operations on seafloor ecosystems

The 'JellyFarm' project is an ecosystem project which focuses on the combined impact from fish farming and jelly fish falls on benthic communities in Norwegian fjords.

About the project

Our department's focus in this project is to determine how the organic loading from aquacultures and jellyfish falls affects benthic foraminiferal communities and to quantify the uptake of C by foraminifera.

Read more about the project and results from the work at the:

For results from the project see the NFR / Prosjektbanken 


The 'JellyFarm' project aims to investigate the effects of organic input from jellyfish falls and aquacultures on benethic ecosystems, in both southern and northern Norwegian fjords.

The results of multi-disciplinary studies will be the base for ecosystem models and socio-economic studies exploring the effects of organic enrichments on ecosystem services.


The full name of this project is 'Combined effects of multiple organic stressors from jellyfish blooms and aquaculture operations on seafloor ecosystems' in short – The 'JellyFarm' project. The Norwegian title is: Kombinerte effekter av organiske stressfaktorer fra manet oppblomstringer og havbruks operasjoner på havbunnsøkosystemer.

The project is financed by the Research Council of Norway, and have the project number 244572/E40.

The project started up in 2015 with an duration to 2018/19.


The project is carried out in cooperation with four international institutions with Akvaplan-niva, Tromsø, as the main project holder.

Other research partners in the 'JellyFarm' project are University of Oslo and IRIS.

Published Apr. 10, 2017 11:44 AM - Last modified June 17, 2024 2:19 PM


Elisabeth Alve, Professor