Results in Brief: Unpicking the role of mixed-phase clouds in the climate system

The MC2 project at University of Oslo is hightlighted with a "Results in Brief" news article at the Cordis (EU research results) website. Project leader Professor Trude Storelvmo is interviewed in the article and gives a short overview over research and results in the project.

Research-flights from Andøya, Northern Norway: The crew of two pilots and two operators from INCAS - National Institute for Aerospace Research/ Romania, and Professor Trude Storelvmo, University of Oslo as number four from left. The picture is taken before a research-flight in February 2023 in conjunction with the MC2 project at Hangar B, Andøya Flystasjon. Photo: Private

Research-flights from Andøya, Northern Norway: The crew of two pilots and two operators from INCAS - National Institute for Aerospace Research/ Romania (link), and Professor Trude Storelvmo, University of Oslo as number four from left. The picture is taken before a research-flight in February 2023 in conjunction with the MC2 project at Hangar B, Andøya Flystasjon. Photo: Private

The ERC Start up grant 'Mixed-phase clouds and climate (MC2)' project aims to better understand the role that clouds play in global climate change. The project has a particular focus on cold clouds that can consist of both ice and liquid water. Such clouds are common at high latitudes and can be affected by both pollution and rising temperatures in the atmosphere. 

Project leader and coordinator of the MC2 project is Trude Storelvmo, Professor at Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo. The project is funded under the programme Excellent Science from the European Research Council (ERC).

Read the article: 

Unpicking the role of mixed-phase clouds in the climate system, the Cordis website/ERC, 19. July 2023 | The Results in Brief news article is available in six languages

More about the MC2 project

Full name of the MC2 project is 'Mixed-phase clouds and climate (MC2) – from process-level understanding to large-scale impacts', and you might read more about it at the project's website and presentation.

Published Aug. 17, 2023 11:33 AM - Last modified Aug. 17, 2023 2:45 PM