Work packes

WP1: Present-day conditions

Responsible: E. Alve

Keywords: wide range of environments - live foraminifera - live macrofauna - environmental parameters - biotic indices

WP2: Correlation and calibration (forams-macro)

Responsible: B. Rygg

Keywords: comparison - foraminifera - macrofauna - calibrate macrofaunal-based biotic indices with foraminifera and environmental parameters - quality assessment

WP3: Compilation of existing data

Responsible: E. Alve

Keywords: Norwegian and Swedish waters - time series data - macrofauna - foraminifera - hydrography data

WP4: Colonization study

Responsible: S. Hess

Keywords: colonization - capped sediment - temporal survey - foraminifera - macrofauna - environmental parameters

WP5: Development of transfer functions

Responsible: J. Birks and R. Telford

Keywords: correlation - entire actual assemblage - Stainforthia fusiformis - bottom-water oxygen data - application to fossil assemblages

WP6: Retrospective studies

Responsible: V. Bouchet

Keywords: long cores - dating - paleo-ecological status - background reference conditions

Published Dec. 6, 2010 3:54 PM