A large component in the project TopoScandiaDeep consists of the analysis of the broadband seismological data collected in Southern Norway from September 2006 to June 2008 in the framework of the MAGNUS project.

“MAGNUS” stands for “MAntle investiGations of Norwegian Uplift Structures”. The project was led by the University of Oslo in cooperation with the Universities of Karlsruhe (Germany), Aarhus (Denmark), Copenhagen (Denmark) and the research institute NORSAR (Norway). It consists of a regular network of 31 broadband seismometers from the KABBA instrument pool at Karlsruhe University (circles in Figure 1), complemented by permanent seismometers from NORSAR and from the Norwegian Seismological Network. The average spacing between instruments is about 70km. During two years, these seismometers recorded continuously the vibrations caused by large earthquakes worldwide.

Pictures of the station in the winter and the autumn
Pictures of one station in autumn and winter.

The different parts of the recordings will now be analysed in the framework of the TopoScandiaDeep project and will give us a much more detailed image of the crust and upper mantle below Southern Norway. The experimental setup was designed to allow for a wide range of seismological exploitation of the data in terms of imaging the upper mantle below the highlands. We will in particular perform P and S teleseismic tomography, surface wave tomography, receiver function analysis, SKS-splitting analysis and noise analysis. The data were complemented in October 2007 by three refraction lines in the MAGNUS-REX project (“REX” standing for “Refraction Experiment”).

Map of the stations

The seismometers were installed in specially spotted quiet buildings. We would like to take the opportunity to thank all the private persons, organizations and public communities who hosted our instruments without financial compensation:
Asbjørn Aasebø, Berit Laate Bakken, Ola D. Gløtvold, Ragnar Kløverød, Erik Kårvatn, Arne Lie, Ola Lien, Oddvar Lund, Magnar Meisterplass, Per Osland, Ivar Sollie, Tove og John Stallvik, Torgeir and Randi Elisabeth Tangvik, Torolv Tveit, Jon Erling Øygarden, Eidsiva Vannkraft (in particular Ole Petter Dahle), Folldal gruver (i.p. Åge Kristofferson), Hedalen stavkirke (i.p. Herrmann Sukke), Innset kirke (i.p. Sigrun Jordamo), Karmøy vannverk (i.p. Knut Leirvåg), Nordberg Fort (i.p. Ove Rullestad), Solobservatoriet (Univ. Oslo, i.p. Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard), Åsnes Finnskog kirke (i.p. Ole Erik Lindalen), Fræna kommune, Halden kommune (i.p. Tore Brekke), Hol kommune (i.p. Hossein Ebrahymi Karganrood), Risør kommune, Skjåk kommune, Time kommune (i.p. Helge Serigstad), Ulvik kommune and Åseral kommune (i.p. Kjell Ljosland).

Photo of instrument
Photo of instrument.