The Vikings-project; UiO selected for an Inter Circle U. Prize 2022

The Circle U: ICUP Evaluation Panel has selected the "VIKINGS: Volcanic Eruptions and Their Impacts on Climate, Environment and Viking Society from 500 to 1250 Common Era" research project as one of the three Circle U. ICUP 2022 award recipients!

Image/figure: Location of Raknehaugen burial mound and Lake Ljøgottjern, and tree rings from Raknehaugen. The ring from 536 CE is almost invisible, suggesting that the tree didn’t grow in the summer due to climate cooling following the 536 CE volcanic eruption. VIKINGS : Volcanic Eruptions and Their Impacts on Climate, Environment and Viking Society from 500 to 1250 Common Era


Figure from the research: Map for lcation of Raknehaugen burial mound and Lake Ljøgottjern, and tree rings from Raknehaugen. The ring from 536 CE is almost invisible, suggesting that the tree didn’t grow in the summer due to climate cooling following the 536 CE volcanic eruption.

The VIKINGS project: Volcanic Eruptions and Their Impacts on Climate, Environment and Viking Society from 500 to 1250 Common Era. Read more about the project on our webpages.


Logo: The Circle University Alliance Circle U. 
The Circle University Alliance Circle U. was founded in 2020, and has now nine member universities. Read more at the Circle U. website

The Circle U. University Alliance gives this year out for first time the Inter Circle U. Prize (ICUP). The award is given to the best examples of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research at Circle U. universities to scholars and/or research groups.

The ICUP Evaluation Panel has for this first year award winners selected the project "VIKINGS : Volcanic Eruptions and Their Impacts on Climate, Environment and Viking Society from 500 to 1250 Common Era" as one of the three prize recipients. The award winners are valuated by a multidisciplinary panel of academics and external partners. 

Logo: Vikings project, University of Oslo
The VIKINGS-project, University of Oslo

The award will be officially awarded at The ICUP Award Ceremony during the conference on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research for sustainable development, which will be held at the Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium on 25 November 2022.

About the Inter Circle U. Prize (ICUP)

The Inter Circle U. Prize (ICUP) is designed to showcase the best examples of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research at Circle U. universities. The award will be given annually from 2022 to three scholars and/or research groups who will be evaluated by a multidisciplinary panel of academics and external partners. The Inter Circle U. Prize initiative is co-funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.

More about the ICUP award

Visit the U. Circle Alliance`s website

By Gunn Kristin Tjoflot
Published June 10, 2022 3:41 PM - Last modified June 10, 2022 4:15 PM