Policy regarding purchase of machines

Purchase of computer equipment for employees

General principles

  • The department supplies all employees with a standard computer. What exactly is "standard" will depend on the purchases we can make at any given time, or what we have in store.
  • Note that you can be equipped with a used machine that is fully functional.
  • We provide a choice of 2 models: laptop or stationary machine. Machines are delivered with two 24" monitors (or one 27" monitor), external keyboard and mouse. A Laptop comes with a docking station, a stationary machine gets a graphic card.
  • Temporary or part-time employees will usually get somewhat less, e.g. only one 24" monitor. 
  • If you would like something else than these models, you may use project financing to bankroll it (if your project permits this) . The Department will cover up to NOK 10000 (+25% VAT) for this purchase, as this replaces your «standard computer», with the following limitations:
    • You can not expect full support from the IT staff. In particular, support for Apple Macintosh machines is limited.
    • You assume the risk of theft or damage not covered by warranty. In such an event, IT can only provide you with an older machine from our stockpile.
    • We will purchase the machine with the full amount from your project, and ask our accountants to split the bill later.

The department provides server resources (windows and linux) tightly coupled to our storage solution and most demanding work will easier be handled there than at individual laptops. For large jobs we have national resources within high performance computing and other areas. We are happy to help you get started with either. 

Purchase of private machines

The UiO purchasing system can not be used to purchase equipment for private use.

When the employee resigns, the equipment bought through the purchasing system will be the property of the Department. This is also the case for equipment purchased on external grants. Computers must be handed in, they will be reused as outlined above.

Very old equipment can in some circumstances be "inherited" by the employee when they resign, for a nominal fee. See also "Fordel ved erverv av datautstyr og mobiltelefon brukt i arbeidsforhold".

Note that the Department reserves the full right to decide if any particular machine will be eligible for this kind of handover, and on what conditions. Usually, the machine must be handed in to the IT office for complete wipe and removal from UiO management systems. The end user will need to procure and install programs, including the OS, and otherwise manage the machine by herself/himself. The machine comes with no warranty from the Department.


Exceptions to the above must be approved by the Department leadership (Head of Administration or Department Head).

By Arnstein Orten, Hans Peter Verne
Published Feb. 10, 2016 1:10 PM - Last modified May 7, 2024 10:49 AM