Remote login

Photo: Arnstein Orten

How to access UiO UNIX resources

Text-only UNIX resources from a windows machine

Install Putty from the Software Center. Putty is a small executable file which gives you possibility to ssh to machines. 

Graphical UNIX resources from a windows machine

Install x2go, the easiest is to download from  An SSH session to or will get you where you want to be.

UiO UNIX resources from a Linux/UNIX machine


How to access UiO Windows resources

I want to access a UiO Windows desktop computer or terminal server

Our Windows Terminal Servers packed with Geoscientific software can be found here.

The terminal server solution Programkiosk can be used for standard office programs, as well as for access to Adobe applications.

If you want to access your desktop computer through RDP, follow the instructions here, or contact us.

The Microsoft Terminal Services Client can usually be found in the Start Menu under [Start]-[Accessories], as Remote Desktop Connection. Sometimes it is buried even deeper in the Start Menu under [Start]-[Accessories]-[Communications]. Under Linux/UNIX you can connect with remote desktop like this:

                xfreerdp -k no -g 100% -d uio -u


Published Jan. 25, 2011 3:03 PM - Last modified Aug. 2, 2023 1:02 PM