Seminars and courses - Page 29

Time and place: , Zoom

The course is an introduction or refresher on how to search for scientific journal articles in PubMed.

Time and place: , Zoom

Learn about tools and practices for more reproducible and effective research.

Time and place: , Zoom

Learn about how to preregister your study on Open Science Framework (OSF) and how to navigate the platform.

Time and place: , Ole Johan Dahls hus, seminarrom

This is a course for you that wants an introduction to machine learning in R focusing on classification (supervised learning)

The course is held over 2 half-days

Day 1: Tuesday 18. October, 10:15 - 13:00, Ole Johan Dahls hus, seminarrom pascal (2452)

Day 2: Thursday 20. October,  10:15 - 13:00, Ole Johan Dahls hus, seminarrom java (2423)

Time and place: , Zoom

Learn about what preregistration is and how to preregister your own studies.

Time and place: , Zoom

Learn about what open research is and how to make your own research more transparent and reproducible.

Time and place: , Zoom

This course gives an introduction to the reference management software Zotero. The course is held in Zoom.

Time and place: , Læringsoasen, Georg Sverdrups hus

Dette kurset hjelper deg til å komme i gang med å bruke Zotero til å samle og organisere kildene dine, og enkelt sitere dem når du skriver og dele dine kilder med andre.

Time and place: , Ole-Johan Dahls hus: Seminar rooms Java & Python

Note: this course has been canceled due to illness


Introduction to data management and statistics with Stata.

Time and place: , Zoom

Kurset gir en introduksjon og oppfriskning til litteratursøking i de ulike OVID-databasene, med fokus på Medline, Embase og PsycInfo.