Seminars and courses - Page 40

Time and place: , The course will be held through Zoom

Do you need help getting started with digital teaching? UiO:Helpdesk invites you to an introductory course in the use of Mentimeter and some of Zoom's more advanced features.

Time and place: , The course will be held through Zoom

Do you need help getting started with digital teaching? UiO:Helpdesk invites you to an introductory course in the use of Forelesningsopptak-2 and Zoom.

Time and place: , The course will be held through Zoom

Do you need help getting started with digital teaching? UiO:Helpdesk invites you to an introductory course in the program Forelesningsopptak-2.

Time and place: , The course will be held through Zoom

Do you need help getting started with digital teaching? UiO:Helpdesk invites you to an introductory course in the use of Mentimeter and some of Zoom's more advanced features.

Time and place: , Harald Schjelderups hus (PSI): Seminarrom 3 (i bygget ved rundkjøringen)

Introduksjonskurs for deg som ønsker å vite litt mer om hva maskinlæring er, og et innblikk i hvordan bruke maskinlæring i R.

Vi har plass til 20 deltakere.

Time and place: , The course will be held through Zoom

Do you need help getting started with digital teaching? UiO:Helpdesk invites you to an introductory course in the use of Forelesningsopptak-2 and Zoom.

Time and place: , The course will be held throughZoom

Do you need help getting started with digital teaching? UiO:Helpdesk invites you to an introductory course in the program Forelesningsopptak-2.

Time and place: , Zoom

Do you want to get started with secure meetings and smart lectures? With Zoom, you have many options. UiO: Helpdesk invites new users in need of an introduction to Zoom to this crash course.

Time and place: , ZOOM

This course will give a demo of how to set up a consent form in Nettskjema and how to admin the consents in then consent portal in TSD.

Then we will show how to link a nettskjema to a consent form and store the the research data de-identified.


Recording of the course will be publised on this site.

The course will be in english.

Time and place: , ZOOM (se passord lenger nede)

Dette kurset gjennomgår ny funksjon for å sette opp skjema for levering til TSD. Kurset passer for de som bruker Nettskjema med TSD.

Kurset blir sendt over nett og er åpent for alle som ønsker å delta.

Vi gjør opptak av kurset og opptakene blir lagt ut på disse sidene i etterkant.