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Field-based synthetic seismic illumination of CO2 migration in fault zones

Image may contain: Wadi, Mountainous landforms, Badlands, Formation, Geology.

Subsurface sequestration of CO2 has been developed into a viable technique for mitigating global emissions. Natural CO2 seepage system (Utah, USA) can be used to investigate the geological footprint and geophysical signatures of an active CO2 seal bypass systems and improve our understanding of how geological and geomechanical properties control flow paths within a fault zone.

By recreating the study area in detail and creating synthetic seismic of the site it is possible to better constrain how CO2 migration is visualized in fault-zones and thereby contribute to monitoring and de-risking CO2 storage sites.

Aim of the thesis:

Provide a realistic visualization of how CO2 migration in fault-zones appears in seismic data.


Based on outcrop data the task is to recreate the study section into a detailed realistic synthetic seismic profile and investigate how to target and illuminate CO2 migration in faults and optimize survey parameters.

Research method and dataset:

The student will work in the field in the Little Grand Wash fault area. Methods include logging sections, recreating buried section based on an outcrop in other areas, and collecting geophysical properties (field and data-based). Synthetic seismic based on the collected data will be done in Norsar’s SeisRoX software.

The student will learn:

  • Field-based sedimentological logging and field-based geophysical methods
  • Use of software and creation of synthetic seismic
  • Independent research, academic writing and presentation skills

Background for the project:

This MSc work is part of the COTEC research project at UiO focusing on CO2 containment and monitoring techniques. The student will get a chance to work in a cross-disciplinary team taking part in a collective effort on understanding how CO2 migrates through fractures and faults. Field campaigns for data collection in Utah are planned within the project and provide possibilities for the collection of additional data for this study.

Published Sep. 4, 2020 2:06 PM - Last modified Sep. 4, 2020 2:06 PM


Scope (credits)