Paleoecology in the Braksøya Formation, Silurian, Oslo Region

Corals and sponges in the Braksøya Formation, Kapitelberget, Skien. Photo: Sven Dahlgren

The Braksøya Formation is a highly fossiliferous limestone that has been interpreted as fossil “patch reefs”. Good outcrops are found in Ringerike and the Skien area. There has been some taxonomical work on e.g. corals in this formation, and also sedimentology, but so far no detailed ecological studies considering the complete fauna.

The project will consist of detailed collecting and mapping in the field, photography, preparation and identification, and statistical analysis with respect to species composition and biodiversity. Is it possible to identify ecological zones within each structure (inter-reef, fore-reef, reef top, lagoon)?
How are these related to depth, light and wave action? Can we identify successions, i.e. consistent patterns of colonisation? Are there trends on larger scales (Ringerike-Skien)?

The project is suitable for a student with a biological or geological background with an interest in marine biology, ecology or palaeontology.

Tags: Natural History Museum, NHM, Paleontology
Published Sep. 3, 2020 3:28 PM - Last modified Sep. 3, 2020 3:28 PM


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