Rifting mechanism and breakup along the NE Atlantic: insights from basin modelling across the Lofoten and the NE Greenland conjugate margins


The mechanisms of rifting and subsequent formation of passive margins are generally attributed to the stretching and thinning of the continental lithosphere. This study will investigate the rifting history of the NE Atlantic with a particular focus on the Lofoten and NE Greenland conjugate margins, where the breakup was characterized by less magma activity than on the southern margin segments.

The thesis project will be attached to the industry-funded 4D NE Atlantic project.

Figure 1. Reconstruction at 52 Ma of the NE Atlantic margins including the A-A’ and B-B’ conjugate transects along the Lofoten and NE Greenland margins. COB: Continent-Ocean Boundary.

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Aim of the study

The primary goal of the study is to quantify the amount and distribution of thinning across the conjugate margins using a combination of tectonic and thermal modelling through the use of TecMod2D software. The thermal evolution of the sedimentary basins quantifies the effects of the breakup magmatism.

Finally, the results will be compared with other conceptual models for rifting and continental breakup, including pure shear, and simple shear, in order to discuss the margin structure (symmetry vs. asymmetry).

Data and methods

The candidate will perform a basin modelling analysis on the chosen conjugate transects, with the A - A’ transect being the primary one. However, additional profile B-B’ could also be considered. Data will include available seismic reflection and refraction data, as well as potential field data on the conjugate margins.

The stratigraphy and the crustal structure of the conjugate profiles will be constrained using the available seismic reflection and refraction data, and subsequently compare and supplement the results from inverse gravity modeling.

TecMod2D basin modelling software will be applied to estimate the thinning distribution and quantify the thermal evolution of the sedimentary basins along the conjugate profiles. In addition, 2D MOVE software will be available to establish a structural restoration focusing on the role of major extensional faults.

Learning outcomes

The outcomes of this study will include seismic interpretation experience, the ability to determine the different sedimentary and crustal structures and the factors that control the structure and evolution of passive margin. Additionally, the candidate will learn about stratigraphic and well-to-seismic ties.

Published Sep. 15, 2023 3:12 PM - Last modified Sep. 15, 2023 3:12 PM


Scope (credits)