Previous events - Page 14

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Complex networks of dry pseudotachylytes in granulites: A detailed geometric, petrographic and microstructural study, Western Lofoten, Norway

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Using WRF to Model Temperature During Stable Boundary Layer Conditions on the Finnmarksvidda Plateau, Northern Norway

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Damage induced by dynamic earthquake ruptures in crystalline rock: Insights from lower crustal paleo-earthquakes in Lofoten, Norway and pulverized fault zone rocks in the San Jacinto Fault Zone area, California

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Analysis of Tropospheric Ozone Depletion Caused by Halogenic Depletion Agents in the Arctic using the Oslo CTM3

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Sea-ice Response to the 536/540 CE Double Volcanic Eruption Event

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Laboratory Modeling of Surface Deformation induced by the Emplacement of a Laterally Propagating Dyke Implications for Geodesy

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Implementation and Evaluation of a Wet-Avalanche Activity Index in the seNorge Snow Model

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Building a 3D Seismic Velocity Model to Improve Location of Microseismic Events at the Åknes Rock Slope

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Storm Water Management Model and the REO model. An Urban Hydrology Study, Vestli Hydrometric Station, Oslo.

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Vesterålen margin, offshore northern Norway

Time and place: , Digital examination, Teams

An ontology-based knowledge model for the deep-marine clastic depositional system

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Indoor 3D reconstruction by Lidar and IMU and point cloud segmentation and compression with machine learning

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Structural evolution of the lower Agardhfjellet Formation, in Central Spitsbergen: Implications for caprock integrity

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Receiver functions at the 8 broadband seismometers of the Kongsberg array.

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Slowdown of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in a coupled simulation

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Structural deformation and mineralogy of the Agardhfjellet and Rurikfjellet formations in central Spitsbergen, Svalbard

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Permo-Triassic basin development on the Horda Platform and Stord Basin – Pre-rift architecture and rift phase 1 evolution

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Validation of satellite-detected snow avalanches by records from avalanche control work around Tyin, Norway

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Crater statistics and Geological history of Oxia Planum, landing site for ExoMars2022

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Marine faunas of the Preboreal stage in the Oslo area

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Estimation of optically active freshwater substances using high resolution satellite sensors for Norway

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Comparison of the tropical tropopause in ECMWF reanalyses and GPS-RO satellite observation

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Characterization and paragenesis of nordite-group minerals from the Ilímaussaq alkaline complex, South Greenland

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Økt treffsikkerhet i lokale snøskredvarsler: Validering, testing og forbedring av det statistiske verktøyet 'StatPack'

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Laboratory modeling of the initiation of strike-slip faulting