Previous events - Page 17

Time and place: , Room 102 (Mellomrommet), Geology building, University of Oslo

Sammenheng mellom regionale hydrometeorologiske forhold og poretrykk mht. utløsning av løsmasseskred

Time and place: , Room 102 (Mellomrommet), Geology building, University of Oslo

The presence and leachability of metals from Norwegian waste and waste-handling facilities

Time and place: , Room 219 (Valhall), University of Oslo

Marine Vibrators: Synthetic Data Study

Time and place: , Room 219 (Valhall), Geology building, University of Oslo

Strukturgeologisk tolkning av Krokskogenlavaplatå ved bruk av grunnundersøkelser - Ringeriksbanen

Time and place: , Room 102 (Mellomrommet), University of Oslo

Tectonostratigraphy and Fault Analysis of the Øygarden Fault Complex Footwall, Northern Horda Platform, Northern North Sea.

Time and place: , Aud. 3, ZEB-building, University of Oslo

Numerical modelling of Venus’mantle: the role of cratons in lithospheric overturns

Time and place: , Aud. 2, Geology building, University of Oslo

Reservoir Characterization of the Realgrunnen Subgroup in Wisting Central III (7324/8-3), SW Barents Sea

Time and place: , Aud. 2, Geology building, University of Oslo

Characterization of a Jurassic transgressive lag deposit in the SW Barents Sea

Time and place: , Room 219 (Valhall), Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo

Investigating a glacier tidewater collapse and dynamics: Negribreen in Eastern Svalbard

Time and place: , Kurssal U37, Geology building, University of Oslo

Considering groundwater recharge and flow in urban development planning A case study from Torshovdalen (Oslo, Norway)

Time and place: , Room 102 (Mellomrommet), Geology building, University of Oslo

Validering og testing av nye aktsomhetskart for snøskred i Norge (NAKSIN)

Time and place: , Room 102 (Mellomrommet), Geology building, University of Oslo

Importance of Deep Structural Grain for Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic Evolution in the Fingerdjupet Subbasin to Bjarmeland Platform Region

Time and place: , Room 219 (Valhall), Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo

Satellite radar time series for flood detection using SAR Sentinel-1 data

Time and place: , Room 102 (Mellomrommet), Geology building, University of Oslo

Modelling of sediment transport in rivers using LiDAR-data and HEC-RAS

Time and place: , Room 102 (Mellomrommet), Geology building, University of Oslo

Reconstruction of the Subsidence and Uplift History of a proposed CO2 Storage Site in the Northern North Sea

Time and place: , Meeting room 317, Geology building, University of Oslo

Characterization and simulation of permafrost rock slope failures in mica-rich rocks - An integrated laboratory study of temperature-resistivity measurements and direct shear tests

Time and place: , Valhall (room 219), Geology building, University of Oslo

Reservoir characterization of the Realgrunnen Subgroup (Fruholmen and Stø formations) in well 7325/4-1 within the Hoop Fault Complex

Time and place: , Room 102 (Mellomrommet), Geology building, University of Oslo

Distribution and spatial statistics of pockmarks above the Smeaheia CO2 storage area: Evaluating Quaternary sediments as a secondary seal

Time and place: , Room 114 (Skolestua), Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo

Assessment of the water quality in an urban environment. A case study from Torshovdalen (Oslo, Norway)

Time and place: , Place depends on what session you register for!

To 2nd semester Master students!

This is the second of a seminar series for Geoscience master students given by the Department of Geosciences and the Science Library. The series run parallel with your master studies over the course of four semesters.

Time and place: , Room 1.211 (The Wegener room), ZEB-building, University of Oslo

Observation of PKP phases in Queen Maud Land, Antarctica

Time and place: , Room 114 (Skolestua), Geology building, University of Oslo

Recurring Jøkulhlaups From Koppangsbreen, Norway

Time and place: , Aud 1 i Geologibygget

Velkommen til inspirasjonsforedrag for bachelorstudenter i geofag. Onsdag 23. januar vil Sara fortelle om hvorfor geofag er så uendelig spennende, litt om sin studiehverdagen på MetOs, og valget av nettopp geofag som studium.

Time and place: , Room 114 (Skolestua), Geology building, University of Oslo

Tectono-sedimentary history of the Forlandsundet Graben

Time and place: , Mellomrommet (room 102), Geology building, University of Oslo

Source and reservoir rocks characterization of the Ling Depression, Central North Sea