Previous events - Page 2

Time and place: , Seminar room 102 (Mellomrommet), the Geology building

Snow depth estimation in forested terrain using the ICESat-2 space laser

Time and place: , Seminar room 219 (Valhall), the Geology building

Weather types that have triggered landslides in Western Norway

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, the Geology building

Assessment of GloFAS Model Performance in the Southern African Continent: A Case Study of the Zambezi Basin

Time and place: , Digital examination on Zoom

Characterization of Jurassic reservoirs for CO2 geosequestration in the exploitation license Luna (EXL004), northern North Sea

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, the Geology building

Ability of the distributed hydrological model LISFLOOD to simulate river discharge in unregulated Norwegian catchments. Effects of including local lake information with a focus on high and low discharge

Time and place: , Hybrid examination: University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) + Zoom

On Turbulent Exchange Processes in the High-Arctic Mountainous Boundary Layer

Time and place: , Svalbard room/lunch room, Natural History Museum, Kabelgata 40, Økern

Trace fossils, paleoecology, and depositional setting of the Middle Ordovician Lysaker Member (Huk Formation), Geitungholmen, Asker

Time and place: , Meeting room k43 (Bifrost), the Geology building

Relative Importance of Input Parameters in Fault Stability Assessment

Time and place: , Meeting room 016 (Undergrunnen), the Geology building

Petroleum-based Hydraulic oils vs. Bio-oils: A comparative assessment of soil biodegradability – A small-scale, 12 months biodegradation experiment

Time and place: , Meeting room 217b (iEarth), the Geology building

Can offshore sediments be used to identify historical tsunamis? An organic geochemical approach for tracing offshore deposits of the AD 1755 tsunami at Algarve Coast, Portugal

Time and place: , Science library, Vilhelm Bjerknes house

by Carol Cleland, Professor of Philosophy, University of Colorado Boulder

Time and place: , Seminar room 102 (Mellomrommet), the Geology building

Assessing ground ice changes in Svalbard from SAR interferometry and modelling

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, the Geology building

Flomdemping i små vassdrag ved bruk av naturbaserte metoder

Time and place: , Aker Brygge Info Point

Visiting the islands in the Oslo Fjord is a must. Join us on an excursion to one of these - Hovedøya!

Time and place: , Realfagsbiblioteket, Vilhelm Bjeknes' hus

Velkommen til GeoOnsdag. Denne gangen får vi foredrag fra Johan Petter Nystuen, professor emeritus i geologi ved Institutt for geofag, Universitetet i Oslo. 

Time and place: , Meet Ullevaal

Konferansen er for deg som er opptatt av å beskytte samfunnet, infrastrukturen og mennesker mot de stadig tøffere klimautfordringene. 

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, the Geology building

Recent changes in groundwater levels for different regimes in Norway

Time and place: , The Science Library

Drop-in helpdesk for your references! If you need one last round of help with EndNote, Zotero or BibLaTex we are here for you! 

Time and place: , Aud 2 & Mellomrommet 102

The Department of Geosciences and iEarth have the pleasure of inviting you to a short seminar on Tuesday the 30/4. There will be an introductory talk at 9.15 (Aud II, Geologibygningen), followed by mingling and a workshop from 10.15-12.00 (Mellomrommet 102, Geologibygningen).

Time and place: , Plenen utenfor Villa Eika

Trenger du en pause fra prestasjon og tankekjør? Vi leser høyt for deg og inviterer til samtale om teksten etterpå.

Time and place: , DSC-Oasen, Georg Sverdrups hus

Er det vanskelig å finne tid til å skrive? Akademisk skrivesenter arrangerer felles, strukturert skrivetid for stipendiater og postdoktorer etter modellen "Shut up & write".

Time and place: , Digitalt

Aker Scholarship er et stipend for deg som ønsker å ta en mastergrad eller doktorgrad ved et av verdens ledende universiteter. Stipendet ønsker søkere fra alle fagfelt.

Time and place: , HumSam-biblioteket

Full focus on writing! Keywords for the evening: Artificial Intelligence, Shut up & write!, writing help, avoid plagiarism and fight procrastination!

Time and place: , Niels Henrik Abels Hus Room 209

Dear 2nd semester master students!

This is the second in a seminar series for Geoscience master students given by the Department of Geosciences and the Science Library. The series run parallel with your master studies over the course of four semesters.

To do good research requires, among other things, that you can find, evaluate and time effectively read scientific articles in your subject field. The next semester will be your toughest semester yet, and therefore it might pay off to plan ahead of time and prepare that you can already now. The seminar will help you with these.

Please register below before the deadline 05.04.2024 Friday by noon.

Time and place: , Seminarrom U35, Henga Engs hus

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