Previous events - Page 25

Time and place: , Seminarrommet, CEED, ZEB-building

Solitary mantle peridotite bodies in Stølsheimen, Central South Norway

Time and place: , Room 219 (Valhall), Geology building

Weathering trends and secondary clay-mineral formation in monzogranites from Georgia, USA

Time and place: , Geology building, Skolestua

High resolution glacier dynamics from GNSS measurements on Holtedahlfonna, NW Svalbard

Time and place: , Geology building, Auditorium 3 (Room 113)

Analyse av sommarbalansen på Hellstugubreen, Jotunheimen, i 2014 og 2015

Time and place: , Seminarroom 1.229 (CEED), ZEB-building, University of Oslo

Petrography, structure and metamorphism of mélange rocks below the Jotun Nappe in Stølsheimen, Central South Norway

Time and place: , Geology building, Auditorium 3 (room113)

Geomorfologisk og geologisk karakterisering av flomskred og jordskred i Valdres

Time and place: , Geology building, Aud. 3 (Room 113)

Reservoir quality of the Stø and Nordmela Formations in well 7220/8-1, Johan Castberg Area in the SW Barents Sea

Time and place: , Geology building, Aud. 3 (Room 113)

Reservoir characterization of the Middle - Upper Triassic Kobbe and Snadd Formations in the southwestern Barents Sea

Time and place: , Geology building, Auditorium 2

The Characterization of The Cementing Materials in The Ultramafic Tillites from Feragen and Leka, Norway

Time and place: , Geology building, Auditorium 1

Thermal regimes and horizontal surface velocities on Hellstugubreen and Storbreen, Jotunheimen, Southern Norway

Time and place: , Geology building, Room 016 "Undergrunnen"

Modelling the impact of landuse change due to anthropogenic activity on hydrodynamics in an aquifer in Southern Spain

Micro CT scanning of a new specimen of the Zygodactylidae (Aves) from the early Eocene of Messel, Germany

Time and place: , Geology building, Room 114, Skolestua

Parsimonious snow modelling for application in hydrological models

Calibration free methods for estimating spatial distribution and melt of snow

Time and place: , Geology building, Auditorium 1

Spredning av PFOS-forurenset grunnvann

Time and place: , Hagen 1, Ciens i Forskningsparken

Eddies in the Subarctic seas - on their characteristics and generation mechanism

Time and place: , Hagen 1, CIENS, Oslo Science Park

On the Vertical Partition of Kinetic Energy in the Ocean. A Comparison between Flat and Steep Bottom Modes

Time and place: , Geology building, Room 114 (Skolestua)

Palynology and Sedimentology of the Dunscombe Formation, Mercia Mudstone Group, South Devon, Southwest England

Time and place: , Geology building, Room 219 (Valhall)

Microscopic and organic geochemical characterizarion of the Lower Carnian black shale interval in the Northern Calcareous Alps

Time and place: , Cinemateket i Filmens Hus, Dronningens gate 16, Oslo sentrum

Fra regissøren av Fritt Vilt kommer Skandinavias første katastrofefilm av Hollywoodske dimensjoner. Filmen tar for seg hva som kan skje den dagen fjellmassivet Åkneset løsner og sklir ut i Storfjorden, fjorden som knytter sammen noen av Norges mest besøkte turistbygder. Institutt for geofag i samarbeid med Realfagsbiblioteket inviterer til en eksklusiv faglig førpremiere og byr på en spennende introduksjon til temaet, før vi snurrer film.

Dette er et lukket arrangement. Påmeldingsfrist var 19. august (Arrangementet er nå fulltegnet).

Time and place: , Geology building, Auditorium 1

Capping of Contaminated Sediments in a Formerly Anoxic Basin in Inner Oslofjord, Norway: Temporal Processes and Ecological Effects

Time and place: , Geology building, Auditorium III

Permafrost in steep rock walls in Norway

Time and place: , Geology building, Auditorium 1

Long-term observations of snow spatial distributions at Hellstugubreen and Gråsubreen, Norway

Time and place: , Geology building, Skolestua (room114)

Automatic Detection of Valley Forms

Time and place: , Geology building, Auditorium 3


RAMMS::Rockfall versus Rockyfor3D in rockfall trajectory simulations at the Community of Vik, Norway

Time and place: , Geology building, Auditorium 3

Reservoir Quality within the Johan Castberg Field located in the Barents Sea Area – the role of sediment composition, facies distribution and post depositional processes.