Previous events - Page 9

Time and place: , Seminar room 219 (Valhall), the Geology building, University of Oslo

Probabilistic analysis of quick clay slopes in Moss

Time and place: , The Geology building, room 219, Valhall

Reconstructing possible causes for the darkening of Skagerrak coastal water in the Hvaler estuary during the past century.

Time and place: , iEarth meeting room (217b, The Geology Building 217b)

Welcome to the a new Teaching and Learning Journal Club Meeting 11. August 13:15.

Time and place: , Digital examination, Zoom

Detecting land subsidence using multicriteria decision analysis and machine learning in Skøyen, Oslo

Time and place: , The Geology building, Room 219 Valhall

Feature detection in glacial channels using drifters (sic)

Time and place: , Digital - Zoom

Qualitative and quantitative study of known exoplanets and exoplanetary systems.

Time and place: , The Geology building, Room 219

Prediksjon av mettet infiltrasjonsrate ved bruk av fjernmåling og nevrale nett.

Time and place: , The Kristine Bonnevies building, MetOs, room 2320

Isolating the influence of sea ice on Arctic warming in NorESM2.

Time and place: , Natural History Museum/NHM, Room U540, Økern

Reconstruction of the marine paleoenvironment and paleoecology of the middle Holocene in the Oslo fjord area.

Time and place: , The Geology building, Aud 2

Low-frequency wave propagation in an ice-covered Arctic Ocean. Modeling with the spectral element package SPECFEM2D.

Time and place: , The Geology building, Room 219 Valhall

Infrastructure exposure to shallow landslides in Upper Gudbrandsdalen; Predicting the impact of climate change using the TRIGRS and RAMMS models.

Time and place: , Scene HumSam

Vi ønsker deg varmt velkommen til åpningen av Universitetsbibliotekets nye storsatsning: Digital Scholarship Centre (DSC). 

Time and place: , The Kristine Bonnevies building, Rom 2414

The vertical structure of currents in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions.

Time and place: , The Kristine Bonnevies building, Room 2414

Direct Solution for Closed f /H Contour Dynamics in High Latitude Ocean Basins.

Time and place: , The Geology building, Room 219 Valhall

Estimering av Snøens Vannekvivalent i Nord-Amerika med Undersøkelse av Generaliseringsfeil med XGBoost og Random Forest.

Time and place: , Zoom (videolink), the main supervisor sends invitation.

Hydrous Regions of the Mantle Transition Zone Affect Patterns of Intraplate Volcanism.

Time and place: , The Geology building, Room 317

Flom i Otta; en analyse av direkte og indirekte konsekvenser for vei og jernbane.

Time and place: , Natural History Museum/NHM, Svalbardrommet, Økern

Description of the Neoselachii material from the Early Triassic Grippia level Bonebed of Spitsbergen, Norway.

Time and place: , The Kristine Bonnevie building, Room 2320, external assessor will join on Zoom.

On the impacts of rising treelines: Modelling the impacts of treeline rise on energy- and hydrological balance in South Norway.

Time and place: , The Geology buildinig, Room 102 (Mellomrommet)

Fault core geometry and mechanical property in basement rocks.

Time and place: , The Geology buildinig, Room 102 (Mellomrommet)

Characterization of faults and fractures in basement rocks, implications for fault initiation and growth.

Time and place: , The Geology building, Aud II (room 103)

High and Low Flow Trends in Norway - Co-occurrence and Causing Factors.

Time and place: , Akademisk skrivesenter, HumSam-biblioteket, Georg Sverdrups hus

Er det vanskelig å finne tid til å skrive? Akademisk skrivesenter arrangerer felles, strukturert skrivetid etter modellen "Shut up & write!"

Time and place: , The Geology building, Room 219 Valhall

Influence of salt and regional tectonics on the structural and sedimentary basin development, Tiddlybanken Basin, southeastern Norwegian Barents Sea.

To 4st semester Master students!

This is a seminar for "Shut Up And Write with The Science Library" for Geoscience master students given by the Department of Geosciences and the Science Library. 

When? Thursdays 09:00-12:00 in March-June. For available dates see in the announcement, and there are no need for signing up.