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Reading rooms and computer rooms

Overview of study desks and computer rooms for students at bachelor's and master's program at the Department of Geosciences, UiO. There are several good reading rooms that you can use in your studies. Get some tips here!

Photo: In the Science Libray in Vilhelm Bjerknes hus there are reading rooms for all students of natural sciences. There are also library resources, meeting rooms and meeting places. Photo: gk/GEO

In the Science Libray in Vilhelm Bjerknes hus there are reading rooms for all students of natural sciences. There are also library resources, meeting rooms and meeting places. Photo: gk/GEO

Reading rooms for GEO-students

Students in geosciences can use the Episenter, which is a relatively new learning environment centre right opposite the Geology Building (map). The centre is in the first floor of the ZEB-building (map). The facilities are shared with music- and pharmacy students, and is a relatively modern learning environment.

The Epicentre has 49 study desks, book cabinets with lockers, meeting rooms, and a cosy seating area. It is close to the Geology Building where the most of the teaching and lectures are held. The learning environment center is nicely located with a green grove just outside where you can have a break outdoors if the weather allows it.

The small grove outside the ZEB building where the geoscience reading rooms are. Photo: gk/UiO
The small grove outside the ZEB building where the geoscience reading rooms are. Photo: gk/UiO

Many GEO-students chose to use the facilities in the Science Library in Vilhelm Bjerknes hus (map). There are many reading room seats and meeting rooms, and all are close to the library services. the Frederikke centre with cafeteria with warm food, a lounge for students in connection to a café, and training facilities and more. 

You can also use the study room facilities at the University Library (Georg Sverdrups hus; map). Here is also an nice cafe, and possibilities to buy your lunch in the cateteria. The university library is only a 3-minute walk from the Geology Building, and you can book a reading room desk and a seat in advance.

In the Physics building (map), there is a large reading room with several study desks for all science students on the 4th floor.

Working desks with PCs: In Niels Henrik Abel's house there is a large terminal room, "Abel", downstairs. This can be used by all students at the MN faculty. There are also PC rooms in the Geology Building, see if there is space available in the PC room in room 209 on the 2nd floor. There may be some teaching here. A smaller PC room in the Geology Building is Visjonariet U07.

An overview of computer rooms can be found here (in Norwegian).

Pictures from the 2nd floor of the ZEB building where the MSc students in geosciences have a reading room desk. From left; the break area, the hallway, and the stairwell. Photo: GKT/UiO
Pictures from the 2nd floor of the ZEB building where the MSc students in geosciences have a reading room desk. From left; the break area, the hallway, and the stairwell. Photo: GKT/UiO

Reading rooms only for students in geosciences

The subject committee for geosciences 'Geofaglig Fagutvalg' disposes of the permanent reading room spaces on the 2nd floor of the ZEB building, which is located directly above the Geology building. Adjacent to the reading room spaces, there is a separate PC room with several workstations, and there is also a lunch room/break room. Reading room places are allocated to students upon application, and are for the entire semester. Master's students writing on their master's theses are given priority, see GFU's statutes for rules and priorities (in Norwegian).

The application deadline for the allocation of reading room seats on the 2nd floor (ZEB building) is at the start of each autumn and spring term. You apply via an electronic online form that is announced in advance of the application deadline. An email is usually sent with information, the application deadline and a link to the online form.

Go to the webpages for the Geofaglig Fagutvalg.

Published Nov. 21, 2019 11:54 AM - Last modified Sep. 29, 2023 10:15 AM