Disputation: Kristina Grete Dunkel

Kristina Grete Dunkel at the Department of Geosciences will be defending her dissertation: Earthquakes and metamorphism - Microstructural records of their mutual influences

Kristina Grete Dunkel. Photo: Geir Holm/UiO

Kristina Grete Dunkel. Photo: Geir Holm/UiO

Trial lecture - time and place

29. June 2017 10:45 - 11:30, Lille fysiske auditorium, the Physics building 

Adjudication committee

  • Professor Claudia Trepmann, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
  • Professor Holger Stünitz, Department of Geosciences, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway
  • Associate Professor Karen Mair, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo

Chair of defence

Professor Carmen Gaina


  • Professor Bjørn Jamtveit, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo
  • Professor Håkon Austrheim, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo

Additional information

Article about Dunkel’s dissertation: Earthquakes and metamorphism - Microstructural records of their mutual influences

Press photo

Publisert 16. juni 2017 10:55 - Sist endret 16. juni 2017 11:08