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Disputas: Claire Olga Maryse Aupart

Ph.d.-kandidat Claire Olga Maryse Aupart ved Institutt for geofag, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen Mechano-chemical feedbacks during serpentinization of ultramafic rocks for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

Claire Olga Maryse Aupart. Foto: Privat

Claire Olga Maryse Aupart. Foto: Privat

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A comparison of the concepts of oceanic crust and oceanic lithosphere


Hydratiseringen av jordens mantel er en avgjørende prosess for mange aspekter av planeten vår, fra bevegelsene til tektoniske plater, til den globale vannsyklusen og livets opprinnelse. Dette ph.d. arbeidet fremhever den viktigste rollen til tektonikk i initiering og vedlikehold av denne hydratiseringsprosessen, gjennom en kombinasjon av mikrostrukturelle- og seismiske studier.


Populærvitenskapelig artikkel om Auparts avhandling:

Mechano-chemical feedbacks during serpentinization of ultramafic rocks

The hydration of the Earth’s mantle is a crucial process for many aspects of our planet, from the motion of the tectonic plates to the global water cycle and the origin of life. This process is called serpentinization and has a considerable impact on the rock’s behaviour when under stress. It makes rocks easier to break and is associated with a volume increase that can locally perturb tectonic stress and break surrounding rocks. The rock composing the mantle, peridotite, has however a very low permeability, and water has difficulties to circulate within it. Faulting is thus intimately linked to the water supply during serpentinization.

This figure show the schematic feedbacks between serpentinization and fracturing. Serpentinization and fracturing interact with each other, each process having consequences for the other. See the figure in a larger version. Figure/Illustration: Claire Aupart
This figure show the schematic feedbacks between serpentinization and fracturing. Serpentinization and fracturing interact with each other, each process having consequences for the other. See the figure in a larger version. Figure/Illustration: Claire Aupart

Even though the link between faulting and serpentinization has been established, the way these two processes interact is not fully understood. Tectonically and seismically active zones in oceanic context are recognized to be preferred zones of serpentinization, but most common models for serpentinization do not reflect this major role of tectonics. This PhD work and dissertation highlights the role of tectonics in serpentinization initiation and maintenance through a combination of microstructural and seismic studies.

Foto og annen informasjon:

Pressefoto: Claire Aupart, portrett; 240px. Foto: Privat

Annet bildemateriale: Figur med beskrivelse og kreditering som spesifisert i artikkelen over, størrelse 800px.

Publisert 30. okt. 2020 09:27 - Sist endret 4. okt. 2021 12:50