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Disputas: Krister Stræte Karlsen

Ph.d.-kandidat Krister Stræte Karlsen ved Institutt for geofag, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen Plate Tectonic Controls on Geodynamic Processes: Earth’s Deep Water Cycle, Sea Level Change and Planetary Cooling Patterns for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

Foto: Krister Stræte Karlsen

Krister Stræte Karlsen. Foto: Privat

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Climatic implications of plate tectonics


Ved subduksjon synker havbunnsplater med vannholdige mineraler kontinuerlig ned i Jordas mantel. Dette kan ha ført til at havnivået har sunket tilsvarende 130 m over de siste 230 mill. år. I avhandlingen er det beregnet hvordan endringer i havbunns-topografien forårsaket av platebevegelser påvirker havnivået, og det er trolig denne prosessen som har hatt den dominerende effekten på det globale havnivået de siste 400 mill. år. I denne perioden har stillehavssiden av planeten i hovedsak vært dekket av tynn havbunnsskorpe, mens Afrika-siden har hatt en stor andel tykke kontinentplater. Dette har sannsynligvis ført til raskere avkjøling av mantelen under Stillehavsplaten.


Populærvitenskapelig artikkel om Karlsens avhandling:

Plate Tectonic Controls on Geodynamic Processes: Earth’s Deep Water Cycle, Sea Level Change and Planetary Cooling Patterns

The motions of tectonic plates in Earth’s deep past can uncover planetary cycles of water and heat that are important for the evolution of our planet. In this thesis water exchange between Earth’s oceans and deep interior (see figure) was estimated, and there was likely a loss of seawater to the mantle corresponding to ~130 m of sea level drop since ~230 Myr ago.

Figure: Earth’s deep water cycle - how water is exchanged between Earth’s mantle and surface. Credit: Valentina Magni
The Earth’s deep water cycle – how water is exchanged between Earth’s mantle and surface. Figure/illustration: Valentina Magni/UiO

Maps of ancient ocean basins were reconstructed, extending back 400 Myr, and used to infer variations in seafloor depth. The ocean basin volumes estimated from the reconstructions agree well with the paleo-record of global sea level change. Seafloor reconstructions also tell us about past heat loss from Earth’s interior, and the models suggest that the Pacific side of Earth’s interior has been cooling at a much higher rate than its African counterpart during the last 400 Myr.

This asymmetry was caused by the assembly of nearly all thick and insulating continental landmasses into the Pangea supercontinent on the African hemisphere, leaving the Pacific side to diffuse heat through relatively thin seafloor. These findings contribute to the understanding of how plate tectonics influences both Earth’s surface (e.g. sea level) and deep interior through geologic time.

Foto og annen informasjon:

Pressefoto: Krister Stræte Karlsen, portrett; 650px. Foto: Privat

Annet bildemateriale: Figur med beskrivelse og kreditering som spesifisert i artikkelen over, størrelse 1000px.

Publisert 2. sep. 2021 11:04 - Sist endret 27. sep. 2023 13:25