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Disputas: Peter Betlem

Ph.d.-kandidat Peter Betlem ved Institutt for geofag, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen De-risking top seal integrity - Imaging heterogeneity across shale-dominated cap rock sequences for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

Peter Betlem. Foto: Privat

Peter Betlem. Foto: Privat

Disputas og prøveforelesning er i Lassegrotta, UNIS Universitetssenteret på Svalbard. I noen tilfeller vil prøveforelesning og disputas være mulig å delta på digitalt, i så fall blir det lagt ut en lenke til Zoom.

Delta via Webex (webinar)

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Fredag 20 oktober, 9:15-10:00, Lassegrotta, UNIS, Svalbard

The role of clays in CO2 storage reservoirs


Geologisk CO2-lagring kan være viktig for langsiktig reduksjon av globale klimagassutslipp. Et lagringssted må være stort og sikkert. I ph.d. studien er det gjort feltundersøkelser på Svalbard i tillegg til de historiske dataene fra Longyearbyen CO2-lab prosjekt for å få kunnskap om sikker lagring. Det er brukt nyskapende digitale teknologier, og det er etablert en standardisert metodologi for katalogisering av geologiske data og vurdere hvordan geologiske strukturer påvirker væskestrømmen i berggrunnen. Funnene er viktige med tanke på geologisk CO2-lagring på norsk kontinentalsokkel.


Populærvitenskapelig artikkel om Betlems avhandling:

Imaging geological complexity to better understand fluid flow in the subsurface

The below-ground geological storage of CO2 is seen as an important component to the long-term reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions. One of the difficult tasks is to find large storage locations with good seals (“roofs”) that prevent any stored CO2 from leaking back to the atmosphere. Leaking fluids typically follow fractures, cracks and more permeable (“open”) routes as they bypass rocks that are tighter. Such local variations contribute to geological complexity, and their study is important to geological CO2 storage. 

This doctoral work revolved around the use of emerging digital technologies, computer models, and drones to investigate the impact of geological complexities on fluid flow in Svalbard. Studies in Svalbard benefit from the archipelago’s unique outdoor laboratory that makes it exceptionally for analogue studies; Little vegetation makes for excellent outcrops, and a wealth of existing data can be integrated to solve complicated questions. Surface features are frequently used as analogues for “invisible” processes underground as they can more easily be catalogued and interpreted. This doctoral work did precisely that and used detailed surface information to investigate the potential impact of geological complexity on the fluid flow below ground. The resulting findings were then used to assess the current state of fluid leakage in central Svalbard, aided by dedicated studies of gas leakage and gas hydrate occurrence in the fjords. As Svalbard has a shared geological history with large parts of the Norwegian continental shelf, these findings are of regional importance.

Bildet kan inneholde: himmel, hjelm, friluftsliv, snø, hodeplagg.
Studying geology in Svalbard’s unique outdoor laboratory: Both summer and winter fieldwork has been crucial to Peter Betlem’s PhD project, as has the use of drones to acquire quantitative data from outcrops. Left: Peter Betlem and Nil Rodes discuss geological features as seen by a drone on a controller screen [Photo: Will Hartz]. Right: A drone’s view of the geological structures at Midterhuken, Svalbard as acquired during the 2021 summer data acquisition campaign (see YouTube). Photo: Peter Betlem


Foto og annen informasjon:

Pressefoto: Peter Betlem, portrett; 614px. Foto: Privat

Annet bildemateriale: Foto med beskrivelse og kreditering som spesifisert i artikkelen over, størrelse 2000px.

Film: A drone’s view of the geological structures at Midterhuken, Svalbard as acquired during the 2021 summer data acquisition campaign. YouTube: Svalbard in Summer - Svalbox 2021 acquisition campaign (Van Keulen and Van Mijenfjorden)

Publisert 6. okt. 2023 10:24 - Sist endret 19. okt. 2023 10:41