Managing and Sharing Research Data

Doing research nowadays, requires more expertise in how to deal with digital data. Increased focus by public funders on sharing research data, rises the need for enhanced competence on how we manage our research data.

Knowledge about how to store and manage big data is essential knowledge for scientists and research today. Photo: Colourbox

Workshop on managing & sharing research data

Welcome to this workshop on how to manage and sharing data in research. The workshop is provided by the IT-group at geo, and are open for PhD and Post-doc fellows. If avaliable capasity it is also open for other interested. 

The IT group at the Department of Geosciences is organizing a workshop on managing and sharing research data. This workshop will take place on Wednesday, March 2, 2015 from 12-15. The workshop will focus on how we, with some simple routines, can spend more time doing research and less time trying to find our own data and, in addition, make our data more accessible and usable for others. We will also focus on storage, backup and data archives.

Topics that will be covered in the worshop are:

  • The Data Life Cycle
  • File/Folder naming conventions
  • Version Control
  • Research Documentation
  • MetaData
  • Storage, Backup and Archive

Register your interest to participate in this workshop

If you are interested and want to attend this workshop, you can sign up following this link:

Course responsible

Senior engineer Michel Heeremans, IT-group, Department of Geosciences

Publisert 16. feb. 2016 10:29 - Sist endret 12. okt. 2020 10:33