Trial lecture: Honoré Dzekamelive Yenwongfai

Doctoral candidate Honoré Dzekamelive Yenwongfai at the Department of Geosciences will give a trial lecture on the given topic: The application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in petroleum exploration – past achivements and future potentials

Honoré Dzekamelive Yenwongfai. Photo: Private.

Honoré Dzekamelive Yenwongfai. Photo: Private.


16. August 2018 13:15, Auditorium 1, The Geology Building

For further information

Article about Yenwongfai’s dissertation: Quantitative seismic reservoir characterization - A Seismic Petrophysical Study in the Goliat Field, SW Barents Sea

Press photo


Publisert 2. aug. 2018 10:45 - Sist endret 2. aug. 2018 10:45