Prøveforelesingar / Trial Lectures

Tittel prøveforelesing / Trial lecture title: “Processes in modern fluvial systems and their lithified expression”

For stillinga: Fyrsteamanuensis i sedimentologi ved Institutt for geofag, Universitetet i Oslo, har fylgjande kandidatar gitt ei prøveforelesing over oppgitt tema. Prøveforelesingane er på 30 minutt kvar og kan verta sett her.

For the position: Associate Professor in Sedimentology at Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, the following candidates have given a trial lecture on a given topic. The trial lectures are of 30 minute each and can be seen here: 

Marcello Gugliotta | Processes in modern fluvial systems and their lithified expression (mp4)

Bjørn Burr Nyberg | Processes in modern fluvial systems and their lithified expression (mp4)

Juan Pedro Rodriguez | Processes in modern fluvial systems and their lithified expression (mp4)

Ingrid Anell | Processes in modern fluvial systems and their lithified expression (mp4)

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Merk / Note

Prøveforelesingene er opne for alle interesserte, begrensa til Universitetet i Oslo.

The trial lectures are open for all interested, restricted to University of Oslo. 

Publisert 5. okt. 2020 12:25 - Sist endra 5. okt. 2020 12:48