Prøveforelesinger/Trial Lectures

Trial lecture title: "Atmospheric dynamics behind vertical and horizontal heat transport in the extratropics”

For stillinga: Associate Professor in Meteorology ved Institutt for geofag, Universitetet i Oslo, skal fylgjande kandidatar gi ei prøveforelesing på 45 minutt over oppgitt tema.

For the position: Associate Professor in Meteorology at Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, will the following candidates hold a trial lecture of 45 minutes on a given topic.

Prøveforelesing: tema/tittel / Trial Lecture: topic/title:

“Atmospheric dynamics behind vertical and horizontal heat transport in the extratropics”


Kandidat / Candidate:

Fabian Hoffmann.

Time and place: Friday 31.05  kl. 09.15 -10, Auditorium 2.


Kandidat / Candidate:

Ada Gjermundsen.

Time and place: Friday 31.05  kl. 13:15-14, Auditorium 2.


    Publisert 16. mai 2024 09:33 - Sist endra 27. mai 2024 07:03