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Arrangementer - Side 19

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Performance of Three Rockfall Models Tested at Historic Rockfall Sites in Western Norway

Tid og sted: , Meeting room 317, the Geology building, University of Oslo + Zoom

Pore pressure evolution and related risk at Gaustad, Oslo

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

The Effect of Weak Layers and Pre-Existing Faults on the Onset of Caldera Collapse: An Exploratory Study

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Metamorphism and deformation associated with lower crustal pseudotachylytes in Southern Lofoten


Title: IPCC-AR6 Chap. 1: Framing, context, methods

Speaker: Bjørn Samset, Cicero 

Tid og sted: , Zoom (videolink) / Aud 1, Geologibygningen

Ph.d.-kandidat Bjørg Jenny Kokkvoll Engdahl ved Institutt for geofag, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen Improved predictions of supercooled liquid water and atmospheric icing in the HARMONIE-AROME weather prediction model for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Aeolian dust sources, transport and deposition over the Chinese Loess Plateau during 1999-2019: A study using the FLEXDUST and FLEXPART models

Tid og sted: , Meeting room "Svalbard", Kabelgata 40, Økern (NHM)

Palynology of Early Cretaceous hydrocarbon (methane) seep carbonates and associated mudstones, Wollaston Forland, Northeast Greenland

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Reservoir Characterization of Utsira High, Central North Sea

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

In-situ removal of iron and manganese from groundwater

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

A study of water exchanges between the Bunnefjord and the Vestfjord, inner Oslofjord using observational data and high-resolution model simulations

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

CO2 Detectability in and above fault zones

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Development of a classification algorithm for ice crystal habit by using deep learning

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Using MicMac to determine JRC of rock joints


Title: The IPCC AR6 process and main messages in Summary for Policy makers

Speaker: Jan Fuglestvedt, Cicero 

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Hydrogeological investigation at Herstua landfill, Nannestad region, southeastern Norway

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

An idealized study of flow across submarine canyons: Analytical and numerical approaches to canyon dynamics with applications to the LoVe ocean region

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Idealized models of Polar Amplification

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Monitoring and Modeling Groundwater Flow Near the Vemork and Såheim Hydraulic Power Plants, Norway

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Probabilistiske analyser av skråningsstabilitet i Hønefoss sentrum

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Links between glacial meltwater and proglacial groundwater upwellings at Scott Turnerbreen, Svalbard

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Reservoir characterization of the Mesozoic successions in the Loppa High and the Hammerfest Basin, Norwegian Barents Sea

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Predicting the Strain Distance to Macroscopic Failure in Rocks under Triaxial Compression Using Machine Learning

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Mapping landslides in different regions by using Sentinel-1 InSAR

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Optical remote sensing and change detection for landslide mapping in a humid climate