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Arrangementer - Side 23

Tid og sted: , Aud 2 and Digital

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 9th of October @ 12:15, at Dept. of Geosciences. The seminar is in Aud 2 and it is also possible to follow digitally via videolink. The speaker is Regine Hock, Dept. of Geosciences.

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Structural analysis of Horda Platform and Stord Basin in the Norwegian North Sea using Machine Learning methods

Tid og sted: , WEBINAR

Speaker:  Vigdis Vandvik, University of Bergen

Title:  The power of experimental macroecology in disentangling climate change impacts on vegetation

Tid og sted: , Meeting room 317, the Geology building, University of Oslo

Temporal changes of organic carbon accumulation and anthropogenic influences in the outer Oslofjord, Loperen

Tid og sted: , Zoom (videolink)

Ph.d.-kandidat Lina Hedvig Line ved Institutt for geofag, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen Reservoir quality and prospectivity of Lower - Middle Mesozoic sandstones of the Barents Shelf for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

Tid og sted: , Aud 2 and Digital

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 25th of September @ 12:15, at Dept. of Geosciences. The seminar is in Aud 2 and it is also possible to follow digitally via videolink. The speaker is Nils Roar Sælthun, Dept. of Geosciences.

Tid og sted: , MetOs meeting room 2418, Kristine Bonnevies hus, University of Oslo

A field survey of the properties of rock glaciers in Hopsfjorden. A study of their relation to local geomorphological conditions

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Mineralogy and feldspar microstructures across ductile shear zones in granulitic host rocks at Skagen, Lofoten

Tid og sted: , Meeting room 317, the Geology building, University of Oslo

Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks for urban hydrological modelling

Tid og sted: , Meeting room 317, the Geology building, University of Oslo

Reservoir quality and diagenesis of sandstones in the Realgrunnen Subgroup in 7324/8-2 (Bjaaland), Barents Sea

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Importance of Photochemical Reactions for the Hydroxyl Radical Concentration and Methane Lifetime -A Counterfactual Investigation

Tid og sted: , Zoom (videolink)

Ph.d.-kandidat Eivind Olavson Straume ved Institutt for geofag, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen Paleoclimate in the Cenozoic time: Quantifying the role of North Atlantic plate tectonics and mantle processes for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

Tid og sted: , WEBINAR

Speaker:  Sebastian Westermann, Dept. of Geoscience, UiO

Title:  Fast response of ice-rich permafrost in a warming climate

Tid og sted: , Meeting room 317, the Geology building, University of Oslo

Mineralogical and Geotechnical Characterization of Bauxite Residue A case study from NE Brazil

Tid og sted: , Meeting room 317, the Geology building, University of Oslo

Separation of Diffractions from Reflections by the Double Square Root Operator

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Mobility of Chemical Elements in Bauxite Residue: A case study from NE Brazil

Tid og sted: , WEBINAR

Speaker:   Heiko Gölzer, NORCE

Title: The future sea-level contribution of the Greenland ice sheet: a multi-model ensemble study of ISMIP6

Tid og sted: , Meeting room 317, the Geology building, University of Oslo

Comparing the performance of machine learning-based methods to traditional temperature threshold methods for precipitation phase partitioning across Norway

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Large-scale atmospheric setup leading to daily extreme precipitation events in Svalbard

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Applying artificial intelligence to perform climate predictions - Data driven approach for parametrizing cloud cover

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Complex networks of dry pseudotachylytes in granulites: A detailed geometric, petrographic and microstructural study, Western Lofoten, Norway

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Using WRF to Model Temperature During Stable Boundary Layer Conditions on the Finnmarksvidda Plateau, Northern Norway

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Damage induced by dynamic earthquake ruptures in crystalline rock: Insights from lower crustal paleo-earthquakes in Lofoten, Norway and pulverized fault zone rocks in the San Jacinto Fault Zone area, California

Tid og sted: , Digital examination, Zoom

Analysis of Tropospheric Ozone Depletion Caused by Halogenic Depletion Agents in the Arctic using the Oslo CTM3