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Arrangementer - Side 3

Tid og sted: , Science library, Vilhelm Bjerknes house

by Carol Cleland, Professor of Philosophy, University of Colorado Boulder

Tid og sted: , GEO Auditorium II

Our next LATICE seminar will be about modeling snow dynamics in cold regions with presentations from Arnaud Jansen and Malin Ahlbäck on May 30th, 2024 at 14:00.

Tid og sted: , CICERO, Oslo Science Park, Gaustadalléen 21. Room: «Rio»

Title: Aerosols as Drivers of Climate Risk

Speaker: Geeta Persad, The University of Texas at Austin

Tid og sted: , Seminar room 102 (Mellomrommet), the Geology building

Assessing ground ice changes in Svalbard from SAR interferometry and modelling

Tid og sted: , Aud 1, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GeoHyd Lunch Seminar on Friday 24th of May @ 12:15 in Aud. 1 in the Geology Building, or via videolink using Zoom. The seminar is held by Ugo Nanni (UiO).

Tid og sted: , Room 2320, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Title: Reduced complexity climate models for robust policy-relevant climate projections

Speaker: Chris Smith, University of Leeds

Tid og sted: , The Science Library

Welcome to our dScience lunch seminar in the Science Library with Hedvig Nordeng.

Tid og sted: , Aud 1, Geologibygningen

Ph.d.-kandidat Justyna Czekirda ved Institutt for geofag, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen Ground thermal regime and periglacial slope processes in Norway and Iceland for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, the Geology building

Flomdemping i små vassdrag ved bruk av naturbaserte metoder

Tid og sted: , Aud 1, Geologibygningen

Ph.d.-kandidat Annie Elisabeth Jerkins ved Institutt for geofag, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet, vil forsvare avhandlingen Improved Understanding of Seismicity in the North Sea for graden Philosophiae Doctor.

Tid og sted: , Realfagsbiblioteket, Vilhelm Bjeknes' hus

Velkommen til GeoOnsdag. Denne gangen får vi foredrag fra Johan Petter Nystuen, professor emeritus i geologi ved Institutt for geofag, Universitetet i Oslo. 

Tid og sted: , Meet Ullevaal

Konferansen er for deg som er opptatt av å beskytte samfunnet, infrastrukturen og mennesker mot de stadig tøffere klimautfordringene. 

Tid og sted: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus

Er du klar for årets IgNite arrangement?🚀

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 3, ZEB building

Prof. Dr. Christiane Helling, director of Space Research Institute, Graz, Austria.

Tid og sted: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/61680418301

Francesca Serra is an associate professor of experimental physics at the University of Southern Denmark.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2, the Geology building

Recent changes in groundwater levels for different regimes in Norway

Tid og sted: , Aud 1, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GeoHyd Lunch Seminar on Friday 3rd of May@ 12:15 in Aud. 1 in the Geology Building, or via videolink using Zoom. The seminar is held by Thomas Vikhamar Schuler (UiO) and Olivier Gagliardini (Univ. Grenoble.

Tid og sted: , Lille fysiske auditorium, Fysikkbygningen

Module-scale degradation state assessment of lithium-ion batteries through machine learning and electrochemical impedance spectra

Tid og sted: , Kulturhuset i Oslo, Boksen

UiO:Energy and Environment is relaunching our popular series of short talks from early career researchers. Grab some food and refreshments while you learn about exciting research in sustainable energy, climate and environment. The event is free and open for all.

Tid og sted: , Aud 2 & Mellomrommet 102

The Department of Geosciences and iEarth have the pleasure of inviting you to a short seminar on Tuesday the 30/4. There will be an introductory talk at 9.15 (Aud II, Geologibygningen), followed by mingling and a workshop from 10.15-12.00 (Mellomrommet 102, Geologibygningen).

Tid og sted: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/61680418301

Alberto Vitale Brovarone is Professor of Petrology and petrography at the University of Bologna, Italy.

Tid og sted: , Aud 1, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GeoHyd Lunch Seminar on Friday 26th of April @ 12:15 in Aud. 1 in the Geology Building, or via videolink using Zoom. The seminar is held by Christian Jaedicke (UiO / NGI).

Tid og sted: , Aud. 1, Geology building

by Dr. Brigitte Knapmeyer-Endrun, Microgravity User Support Center, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (German Aerospace Center)

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Join us for this Open Science Lunch to learn about the work on reforming research assessment in Norway and hear about experiences from implementing the CoARA commitments. 

Tid og sted: , dScience Lounge

Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge with Thomas Schellenberger.