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Arrangementer - Side 42

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Valhall (room 219)

Salt structures and salt tectonics in the Barents Sea Southwestern sub-basin, Nordkapp Basin

Tid og sted: , aud. 1, Geology building, Sem Sælands vei 1

Welcome to the GeoHyd Lunch Seminar on Friday June 24th @ 12:15 in aud. 1 in the Geology building.

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Valhall (room 219)

Salt tectonics in the central and northeastern Nordkapp Basin, Barents Sea

Tid og sted: , CEED seminar room, ZEB

Northeast Atlantic Cenozoic paleobathymetry and Iceland mantle plume activity: Influences on oceanic gateways and paleoocean circulation

Tid og sted: , Zeb-building, Seminarroom/CEED

Understanding the onset of flood volcanism and the base basalt transition - onshore analogues from Skye Main Lava Field, North West Scotland. Based on field observation and petrophysics of Neist Point, Camas Ban and Soay Sound sections

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Auditorium 3

Reactions involving S-bearing apatite, monazite and scapolite during amphibolitization of granulites, Bergen Arcs, W-Norway

Tid og sted: , Zeb-building, Seminarroom/CEED

3D structure and formation of hydrothermal vent complexes in the Møre Basin

Tid og sted: , Forum, level 0, CIENS, Oslo Science Park

There will be an open session seminar entitled "What does the Paris Agreement mean for future research into Climate Engineering?" in CIENS Forum on Wednesday 22 June. 

The seminar is provided by the research project EXPECT.

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Valhall (room 219)

Måling og analyse av romlig lokal snøfordeling i høyfjellet med kinematisk differensiell GNSS

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Skolestua (room 114)

Geochemical comparison of oil samples from the Norwegian Sea & the Barents Sea

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Skolestua (room 114)

The Petroleum Geochemistry of the Johan Sverdrup Field, Southern Utsira High, Norwegian North Sea

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 1, the Geology building

Torbjørn Ims Østby at the Department of Geosciences will be defending his dissertation: Climatic mass balance of glaciers in Svalbard from observations and modelling

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Auditorium 3 (room 113)

Reconstructing volcanism, deformation and sedimentation in the Dugurdsknappen area, south Trøndelag: From marginal basin formation to Caledonian collapse

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Skolestua (room 114)

Organic geochemical analysis and comparison of oils, condensates and bitumens from the SW Barents Sea. Maturity, organic facies, biodegradation and migration assessment

Tid og sted: , aud. 1, Geology building, Sem Sælands vei 1

Welcome to the GeoHyd Seminar on Thursday June 16th @ 12:15 in aud. 1 in the Geology building.

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Room 317

Sveconorwegian magmatic and metamorphic evolution of southwestern Norway

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Skolestua (Room: 114)

Reservoir characterization of the Triassic-Jurassic succession of the Bjarmeland Platform, Norwegian Barents Sea -Examples from the Cauraus, Arenaria and Obesum discoveries

Tid og sted: , Forum, level 0, CIENS, Oslo Science Park

Borgar Aamaas at the Department of Geosciences will be defending his dissertation: Developing, evaluating, and applying emission metrics for the assessment of the climate impact of transportation

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Valhall (room 219)

Cretaceous tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Ribban and northern Træna basins at the Lofoten margin, offshore northern Norway

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Skolestua (room: 114)

Imaging reservoir quality of the Triassic-Jurassic succession of Bjarmeland Platform, Norwegian Barents Sea -Examples from Wisting, Norvarg and Ververis discoveries

Tid og sted: , CIENS, Glasshallen 2

The Currents in the Outer Oslofjord

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Auditorium 3 (room 113)

The sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the Curtis Formation along the eastern San Rafael Swell, Utah

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Skolestua (room 114)

Investigating and predicting landslides using a rainfall-runoff model in Southern Norway

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Auditorium 1

Relationship between burial history and seismic signatures in the Horda Platform area, Norwegian North Sea

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Auditorium 3 (room 113)

Pressure wavefield deghosting and its effects on amplitudes