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Arrangementer - Side 49

Tid og sted: , Lunch area, MetOs

Upcoming short presentation from MSc/PhD students in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Inger Helene Hafsahl Karset

Title: Improved treatment of stratocumulus clouds and associates aerosol-cloud interactions

Supervisor: Jón Egill Kristjánsson

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Auditorium 2

Structural evolution of the northern North Sea – with links to the adjacent onshore geology

André Staalstrøm at the Department of Geosciences will be defending his dissertation: Tidally-induced turbulent mixing in a sill fjord

Tid og sted: , AUD 1, Geology building, Sem Sælands vei 1

Welcome to the GeoHyd Lunch Seminar on Friday 8 May @12:15 in AUD 1 in the Geology building.

Tid og sted: , Lunch area, MetOs

Upcoming short presentation from MSc/PhD students in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Helen Yeung

Title: Analysis of ENSO signal in the stratosphere in WACCM simulations

Supervisor: Frode Stordal

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Room 317

Water resources assessment of glacierized Himalayanbasin under changing climate. Case study - The Upper Beas Basin (up to Thalout), India

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Auditorium II (Room 103)

Dynamic simulations of landslide runout in cohesive soils

Tid og sted: , Lunch area, MetOs

Upcoming short presentation from MSc/PhD students in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Charalampos Sarchosidis

Title: Thunder storms in Scandinavia - future trends

Supervisor: Jón Egill Kristjánsson

Tid og sted: , Room U016, Geology building

Diffractions and Their Multiples: Techniques to Enhance and Remove Them

Tid og sted: , Geology building, Auditorium 2

Distribution of chalk in the lower Palaeocene reservoir sandstones of the Maureen Formation

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 1, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Hongliang Xu at the Department of Geosciences will be defending his dissertation: Impact of density and location of rain gauges on performances of  hydrological models

Tid og sted: , CEED, ZEB-building, Meeting room - Jason Morgan-room

The lithostratigraphy and history of the Caledonian mélange basin rocks below the Jotun Nappe in Bøverdalen, South Central Norway

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 1, the Geology building

Marianne Lanzky Kolstrup at the Department of Geosciences will be defending her dissertation: Old sutures and young plumes? – New geophysical investigations of the crust and upper mantle in southwestern Scandinavia

Tid og sted: , Lunch area, MetOs

Upcoming short presentation from MSc/PhD students in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Ole Henrik Botvar

Title: Comparing the Norkyst 800 model to in situ measurements in the outer Oslofjord

Supervisor: Joe LaCasce

Tid og sted: , Lunch area, MetOs

Upcoming short presentation from MSc/PhD students in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Mari Fenn Kristiansen

Title: Is there a positive feedback between Arctic sea ice change and Arctic stratus clouds

Supervisor: Jón Egill Kristjánsson

Tid og sted: , Glasshallen 2, Forskningsparken

Upcoming seminar in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Dr. Barbara Scarnato

Title: How to account for ‘more realistic’ aerosol properties in climate models and remote sensing retrievals?

Tid og sted: , Lunch area, MetOs

Upcoming short presentation from MSc/PhD students in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Ada Gjermundsen

Title: The buoyancy-driven ocean circulation with realistic bathymetry (EGU talk)

Supervisor: Joe LaCasce

Tid og sted: , AUD 1, Geology building, Sem Sælands vei 1

Welcome to the GeoHyd Lunch Seminar on Friday 10 April @12:15 in AUD 1 in the Geology building.

Tid og sted: , Lunch area, MetOs

Upcoming short presentation from MSc/PhD students in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Helle Kristine Fuhr

Title: Partition between barotropic and baroclinic modes in the ocean

Supervisor: Joe LaCasce

Tid og sted: , Lunch area, MetOs

Upcoming short presentation from MSc/PhD students in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Christine Smith-Johnsen

Title: The secondary ozone layer during the southern hemispheric major stratospheric warming

Supervisor: Yvan Orsolini and Frode Stordal

Tid og sted: , AUD 1, Geology building, Sem Sælands vei 1

Welcome to the GeoHyd Lunch Seminar on Friday 13 March @12:15 in AUD 1 in the Geology building.

Tid og sted: , Lunch area, MetOs

Upcoming short presentation from MSc/PhD students in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Marta Trodahl

Title: Eddy characteristics in the Subarctic Seas, and the potential eddy generation mechanisms

Supervisor: Pål Erik Isachsen

Tid og sted: , Lunch area, MetOs

Upcoming short presentation from MSc/PhD students in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Eivind Grøtting Wærsted

Title: Timescales of surface-to-stratosphere transport in the tropics, using FLEXPART

Supervisor: Kirstin Krüger

Tid og sted: , Lunch area, MetOs

Upcoming short presentation from MSc/PhD students in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Andreas Vogel

Title: Volcanic ash

Tid og sted: , Via

Upcoming seminar in meteorology and oceanography:

Speaker: Graham Feingold (NOAA, Boulder)

Title: Two-way transitions between closed and open cellular shallow convection