Prøveforelesning/Trial Lecture: Clint Conrad

I høve tilsettingprosessen i stillinga 2014/7362 - Professor i manteldynamikk/geodynamikk, Institutt for geofag gjev professor Clint Conrad prøveforelesninga:

"The Solid Earth's Influence on Sea Level"

Onsdag 15. april kl 14:15 i Auditorium I, Geologibygningen.

Alle er velkomne!

Information in English:

As part of the appointment process for the position Professor in Mantle Dynamics/Geodynamics (2014/7362), Department of Geosciences, Professor Clint Conrad will give the trial lecture:

"The Solid Earth's Influence on Sea Level"

Wednesday April 15 at 14:15 in Auditorium I, Geology Building.



Publisert 11. apr. 2015 11:32 - Sist endret 11. apr. 2015 11:32