Prøveforelesning/Trial Lecture: Helge Hellevang

I høve tilsettingprosessen i stillinga 2015/13379, førsteamanuensis i lavtemperaturgeokjemi, Institutt for geofag gjev Helge Hellevang prøveforelesninga:

“Redox systems in soils and aquifers and their constraints on nutrients recycling”

Torsdag 17. november kl 10:30 i Auditorium I, Geologibygningen.

Alle er velkomne!


Information in English:

As part of the appointment process for the position 2015/13379, Associate Professor in low-temperature geochemistry, Department of Geosciences, Helge Hellevang will give the trial lecture:

“Redox systems in soils and aquifers and their constraints on nutrients recycling”

Thursday November 17 at 10:30 in Auditorium I, in the Geology Building.

Welcome to all!


Publisert 10. nov. 2016 17:43 - Sist endret 11. nov. 2016 10:57